I have spent the last few weeks putting final touches to A Hint of Darkness & The Story of Emmaline, before embarking on the absolutely terrifying self-publishing journey.   I plan on going through Create Space Independent Publishing & now I am facing the task of making sure everything is exactly as it should be.  It’s exhilarating & scary at the same time. Okay I can choose my own titles, my own covers and my own blurbs BUT what if it turns out less than perfect or even worse awful?  After putting years of research, writing, editing & redrafting,  my darlings cannot be anything less than perfect.
I am so lucky to have a friend, Hettie Ashwin, who has ten novels to her credit. Without her guidance and encouragement just maybe my two manuscripts would sit to percolate a bit longer.  Hettie and me at Port Douglas boardwalk.

Still here I go- next step Create Space.


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