
Showing posts from August, 2017

Australian Women Writers

AUSTRALIAN WOMEN WRITERS I have been disgracefully neglecting my blog posts. Sooooo busy. Working on new novel plus advancing my online author platform and doing the markets. I love chatting to people but it can be draining doing the ones that last for six hours or so.  Notice I only mentioned neglecting my writing – nothing about housework. Fortunately, I have the most wonderfully supportive husband in the world. He goes to all the markets with me and is fantastic at telling people about the books and generally promoting me as an author. I have been doing some reviews for Goodreads. I read so many books, so as well as being a pleasure to do a review it also gets my name out there. Shameless self-promotion Peter tells me. It's okay when he does it??? I have almost finished all of Louise Penny’s books. I can get lost in the little village of Three Pines for hours.  It's on my wish list to go to Canada one day. Haven’t gotten to her latest yet. Something to look f