Life at Alligator Creek

Since it has somehow become November, I've come to the conclusion that blogging is not exactly my strong point. But in my defence I have been achieving in other areas. Writing -first and not necessarily in chronological order I have had two short stories published in the past six months Kathy doesn't Live Here Anymore and Terror in black & White as well as two articles published in Artgaze.

However my biggest project has been to re-structure A Hint of Darkness. I have rewritten the contemporary part of the story which has rounded off and developed the character Ellie and added emphasis to the theme. Putting the MS aside for twelve months has given me greater perspective on what I want my readers to take from my novel. Writing is such a personal occupation, its like being an actor and trying to please an unseen audience. I'm now ready to do battle with the publishing industry. My research & outline for my next novel while time consuming is shaping up well. We had a recent trip to Sydney where I made copious notes, took umpteen photos haunted art galleries and asked people all sorts of weird questions.

I have almost completed another year as President of WITS and with the help of our marvellous committee Writers in Townsville is continually moving on to bigger and better achievements.
This year I have branched out into an entirely different field as well, by becoming a mentor to Vet Science students as JCU. Not that I know anything about animals except which end is which. My task and one I've absolutely loved has been to help students develop their communication skills.

On the home front I have been in serious danger of being made redundant. Luckily I have a wonderfully patient husband who works steadily on, with or without my help. Building a huge house such as ours completely on your own is somewhat daunting. Still I've had bursts where I've painted, plastered, made curtains, cushions etc. as well as offering emotional and physical support. I'm not exactly built to carry sheets of ceiling and wall sheeting. I definitely need more muscle and typing just doesn't do it.


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