That elusive thing: time

Life in North Queensland can have its drawbacks. Our lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are interspersed with rain, rain and more rain. By March, time oozes by in a sticky stream, as we wait impatiently for the wet season, with its steamy interludes when the sun comes out and the temperature soars, the bug invasion, (our bushy nine acres is an entomologists paradise) to come to an end. So bearing in mind that my last post was in July 2009- how did it get to be March 2010? Answer. Travelling, Family, Writing (I'm well into researching and writing the first draft of my second novel) and working. In fact nothing whatsoever to do with the seasons. My full time on call job of T.A. to other half in building our house is a labour of love, but doesn't leave room for all the other things I want to pack into my life. I've decided that instead of racing madly from one project to another, I'll invest in some dedicated time management. It's working brilliantly and it's been in place a whole week. On serious consideration this is probably a more feasible option to the alternative of expecting to live to a hundred.


  1. Great to see another post from you. Great to see, too, that you are working on the new novel. Looking forward to hearing more about it :-)


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